Module 4 Unit 2 Activity 2
Here is what this activity looks like:
Both are the last answers... duh!
Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Behavior Checklist |
Verbally disrupts class
Uses inappropriate language
Verbally threatens classmates
Verbally abusive to self
Physically disrupts class
Physically threatens/ fights with others
Physically hurts him/herself
Vandalizes classroom materials
Outburst of anger
Slow attention span
in Classroom
Is tardy for class
Sleeps in class
No homework
Does not engage in class work/ activities
Are rules regularly enforced?
Does the teacher have a clear routine?
Does the class have all the materials needed for lessons?
Does the teacher have high expectations for the classroom?
Are the students seated in a way that is conducive to learning?
Are the rules regularly checked to fit classrooms individually?
Is the classroom safe?
Are the rules clearly stated to the students?
Does the teacher treat all students fairly?
Does the teacher give equal chances to all the students?
Does the teacher demonstrate concern for students?
Does the teacher give feedback to the students?
Is good behavior regularly modeled by the teacher?
Does teacher regularly praise good behavior?
Is the teacher consistent with correcting bad behavior?
Is the teacher familiar with all the students and their names?
Do the students have influence in their own learning?
Does the teacher explain the purpose of each learning activity?
Does the teacher expect the same behavior from the students?
Are the students arranged in a way where they can collaborate
Behavioral Situations
Did the teacher respond in a respectful and calm manner?
Did the teacher not embarrass the student?
Did the teacher address the student’s behavior privately?
Did the teacher try low-profile management first?
Intense mood swings
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty following directions
Displays physical aggression
Shy or withdrawn
Lacks interest
Does not work well with others
Difficulty managing anger
Cannot sit for an extended period of time
Difficulty finishing tasks in a certain amount of time
Cannot work on their own
Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Reflection on Classroom Climate |
Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Using a Glog to Make an Introduction |
Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Instructional Strategy: Cooperative Learning through Research Projects |
Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Instructional Strategy: Voicethread for Similarities and Differences |
Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Explain a Concept Using a Mobile App or Tablet Device Part 2 |
Student seems to understand all directions and prepositions
of location.
Student seems to understand most of the directions
and prepositions of location.
Student understands some parts of the directions and
prepositions of location.
Student has trouble understanding or remembering
most directions and prepositions of location.
Respects Others
Student follows directions without without
distracting others.
Student gets off tasks but does not distract others.
Student gets off task, distract others OR moves
around in ways that distract others once.
Student gets off task distract others, OR moves
around in ways that distract others more than once.
Participates Willingly
Student willingly tries to ask questions and find
the clues on their own.
Student willingly tries to find clues but ask gets
others off task by asking them for the clues.
Student does not willingly participate and tries to
get answers from others.
Student does not participate.