Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Teach Now (Teaching Certification): Reflection on Teaching Survey

Module 2 Unit 1 Activity 1

Here is a screenshot of our first assignment for this module. It was a non-graded assignment.

What are the 3 reasons you are have become a teacher?

I wish I could say that it was because that was the only thing I dreamed about becoming when I grew up... but to be honest, I started teaching as soon as I finished university. I really got thrown into this profession and I never dreamed of becoming a teacher. I came to Korea to visit my family after I graduated university, and because I was low on money for the summer, my brother introduced me to some parents so I could tutor their children. That led to teaching at summer camps and from there I got offered a position at a university.
One of the top reasons for me to be a teacher is the fact that I can be very mobile. Being a TCK, I feel like seeing the world, understanding different kinds of people, and being familiar with different cultures is of utmost importance to me as a human being.

I chose long summer vacations as my second reason to teach because without being able to travel, I wouldn't be able to fulfill my first reason.

The third most important reason for becoming a teacher is that I believe in the importance of education in society. Education is truly important to progress not only as an individual, but as a society, or even further, globally. Having lived in a third world country most of my life (Bolivia), where many are illiterate and poverty is prevalent, I really believe education is the only way to change this situation. One proof of that is the current country I live in now, which is South Korea where this nation really takes education seriously and tremendous leaps were taken in the last few decades.

It’s important for new teachers to take a survey as such to see if they are really making the right choice. From the list they can also see many reasons they didn't think of that are beneficial to being a teacher. Long vacations are an advantage, but in entering this path, one has to realize that this personal choice, directly impacts others (i.e. the children you are teaching). One can realize how overwhelming it can be at times but at others it is so gratifying and fulfilling to actually guide children and make an impact on them. Even though I chose those three particular answers in my survey, my reasons to teach are always evolving. I truly believe anyone can teach, but not everyone is suited to be a teacher.

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