Sunday, August 3, 2014

Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Collaborative Glog

Module 4 Unit 2 Activity 3

My partners for this glog were Christopher Shears and Ian Pollard. 

Here is our glog:


  1. What did you think of Glogster? Should I have included it in 932?

  2. Hi Steve^^ glogster is really easy to use and I like the animated icons as it makes everything appealing and having all the info in one page including video, and audio is great but I think learning how to make infographics would be a better use of students' time for 932. A lot of people in our cohort had problems using glogster as the site wouldn't always work. I recommend using Firefox if you are going to be using this program as when I opened in chrome, the pictures and icons would come out wonky. Hope this helps. Miss your class!!! Chris, Ian and I really expected this Teach Now to be like your class but more intense. We are thoroughly disappointed. It is not as useful :( One day in the future you should really think about starting your own teaching certification focused on Ed -Tech! lol! Everyone would love it. I know it!!!! :)
