Friday, September 26, 2014

Teach Now (Teacher Certification): Write a Lesson Plan

Module 5 Unit 4 Activity 1

This is the same one as the Materials Matrix. I tweaked it a bit though...

Module 5 Unit 4 Activity 1
Analia Kim
Write a Lesson Plan

Course: Language Arts

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Diversity of students for which differentiation is needed: 

·         Varied academic, reading, and developmental levels
·         English Language Learners
·         Students with disabilities either a physical or learning disability

Standard being addressed: Florida Standard Code: LAFS.1.L.1.2

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Measurable performance objective: Students will be able to identify and write using proper nouns and common nouns in their sentences and writing assignments.
Lesson Objective:
·         Students will be able to identify incorrectly capitalized words.
·         Students will be able to correct errors in sentences that include capitalization of proper nouns.

Lesson: 30 minutes


Do Now/ Warm-Up

Students will turn to their partner and tell them what a noun is.

Their partner will repeat it to them.

Then they will come up with examples of 5 nouns per student.

Objective: To review and make sure students understand what nouns are.

Formative Assessment:
The teacher will go around the room listening to the students and reading their answers to see if they remember from their previous lesson what nouns are.

Differentiation: Students having difficulties will be able to listen to their partner first and they can help the lower level students come up with examples.

The teacher will then write some of their examples of nouns on the board.

3 minutes

3 minutes

·         Pencil
·         Paper

·         Whiteboard

Lesson (I Do)

The teacher will explain that while a noun names a person, place, thing, or idea, a proper noun is more specific. It gives the actual name of the person, place, thing, or idea.

Next to the examples of the nouns that the teacher has written, he/she will write a proper noun and explain that the noun is more general. For example:

man/ James
woman/ Mary
chair/ La-Z-Boy
state/ California

Then the teacher explains that all proper nouns are capitalized and writes examples on the board.

Objective: Students will be able to identify incorrectly capitalized words.
Formative Assessment:
The teacher can ask for thumbs up, neutral, or down depending on if they feel like they understood the lesson.

The teacher will scaffold the lesson so each step is learned. They will start with nouns, and then write a proper noun for that particular noun i.e. people, then James for the proper noun, or month and then January for it’s corresponding proper noun, and so on. This way lower level students aren’t overwhelmed and can follow the idea step by step.

10 minutes

·         Whiteboard

Guided Practice
(We Do)

The teacher will have a Prezi/ PowerPoint with sentences that have capitalization mistakes and the students will correct these mistakes in the sentences with the teacher. 

Objective: This exercise will prepare them for the activity that they have to do alone on a worksheet that the teacher will provide.

Differentiation: The teacher can call on lower level students for some of the easier questions on the Prezi/ PowerPoint that they may be able to recognize with the help of the teacher. For high achieving students ask them to come up and solve the more difficult mistakes.

4 minutes

·         Prezi/ PowerPoint
·         Projector
·         Computer
·         Internet
·         Screen

Independent Practice (You Do)

The teacher gives them a worksheet with different sentences where they will have to capitalize the proper nouns.

Objective: Students will be able to correct errors in sentences that include capitalization of proper nouns.

Differentiation: For higher levels students, they can be given a different worksheet where they have to also correct the mistakes where the words are incorrectly capitalized or also make them write their own paragraph.  

Formative Assessment: Give the students homework to correct the next day and see if they really understood the lesson

7 minutes

·         Worksheet
·         Pencil


The teacher will go over the answers with everyone and review the lesson on capitalization of proper nouns.

Objective: Students correct their wrong answers to check for understanding. Students ask questions to clarify any key points.

Differentiation: Higher level students can help lower level students identify their mistakes before it is checked with the teacher.

Formative Assessment: Teacher will ask questions to random students to check for understanding of the lesson.

3 minutes

·         Worksheets
·         Pencils
·         Erasers

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