Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Work in Progress

I can quickly respond to the numerous ways in which I think I can improve overall and make myself better as an inhabitant of the globe. But how could I improve as a teacher? That, I had to ponder on for a bit longer.

I never really dreamt of being a teacher. Because I just naturally fell into this profession, and it was not something I actively pursued. When contracts rolled around, I always had the thought that I was going to finish my current contract, leave, and start a different career. This had been going on for ten years.

That was my first mistake. I needed to commit.

Don't get me wrong, I get along great with my students, plan my lessons out thoroughly (not only because I want my classes to be educational and fun, but also because if it's not a good time for my students, it is hell for me, and that equals to a very unhappy Analia in life, and in general). I have excellent evaluations from my students, and after finishing most of my classes, I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside that I have inspired my students (at least two), and done my job right.

Taking this masters was the first step towards admitting to myself that this is going to be the path in my career, not only for now for, but for the impending future. This has already given me a different mindset. It has become the spark for me to become a lifelong learner in the educational area. It also helped me realize I need major improvents as a teacher. I really need to update the way I teach. 

I did the math, and my university students were eight when I got to South Korea. As shocking as that was to me, it is even more of a shock to realize I've been teaching pretty much the same way for ten years, tweaking activities here and there, but nothing significant. I am slowly but surely becoming, well, outdated.

I really want to integrate technology into my classes, having a better connection with my students using those new tools. This course, Creative Teaching Techniques and Utilization of Multimedia, is an important step in helping me improve as a teacher because it will bring me the knowledge of different educational programs and tools out there to incorporate in my classes and help modernize myself as a teacher. Hopefully this will create a pathway for additional, creative ways, for me to educate and inspire my students.


  1. Hi Analia,

    First of all, you have a great layout on your blog. It stands out the moment one arrives at this site.

    When reading this post it felt like I was reading my own thoughts. I too, didn't think I'd end up choosing ESL or teaching in general as a career path either. My original plan was to stay in Korea for a year or two and move on.

    I've long thought about upgrading my education and 'validating' myself in this profession and as we continue through this course, my enthusiasm for career development continues to build.

    Even after the few classes we've had, I feel like my eyes have been opened to digital opportunities that would've otherwise gone unseen. The importance of technology and its application in modern teaching environments is such an integral part of today's classroom culture that anyone who doesn't embrace its use is going to find themselves left behind in this profession.

    Cheers to lifelong learners and thanks for getting me on board!

  2. Analia, I can certainly relate to most of this post, having been in Korea for ages too and finding myself in a career that I didn't really expect to be in when I started this adventure. But I just want to iterate what you probably already know: this position (and our impending degree) is not only going to give us the tools that we need for future advancement, it has already given us the confidence to speak in front of groups, the organization skills to lead a class, and the online savvy to pursue other internet avenues of employment if we so desire. I love growing in these ways, and I'm thrilled that we can do it together!
