Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Get Rid of Youtube Ads on Chrome... Forever!

Like the title says, this is just a way to save time before you watch your youtube videos. If you watch 1 video per day and each video is roughly 16 seconds long, in 1 year you will have wasted roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes on watching advertisements. THAT is a waste of time... So here is my vid. You're welcome! :)


  1. I added adblock as soon as i saw your screencast. Then I saw this > http://tskjaer.hubpages.com/hub/Why-AdBlock-is-a-terrible-invention. Don't know what to think

    1. That is all fine and dandy but when youtube first started there were no ads that were forced. An ad on the side or up on top is ok but to MAKE you watch them just to get to a clip is BS IMHO. You can also disable Adblock for the pages you support. If they do shut things down or make you start paying for their services, I feel that maybe somehow, magic interwebs fairies(...lol) will appear making new versions of youtube or whatnot, that will possibly start off free and people will have the choice, and won't hesitate to switch to those services. People might also choose to use paid services instead that guarantees no ads and where the money goes straight to the writer, creator of the page...Advertisement corporations SHOULD feel threatened...this will just make better incentives for other forums to appear.

  2. Analia,

    This is awesome. Of course a simple Google search on "how to" would have yielded the same results, but when a friend and colleague makes a sweet screen-cast showing how to block ad, it behooves one to follow-suit, as they say. Thanks for choosing such a good topic for this assignment; super useful!
