Monday, October 28, 2013

Keeping Up With the Changes

The world is changing at a rapid pace but the skills we are learning are rapidly lagging behind. So how can we teach our kids relevant and up-to-date things if it is going to be replaced by something else anyway?

I just finished reading a post by Leo Babauta about 9 essential skills that kids should learn which can be read here:

On his post he talks about the skills are really important for kids to learn so they can tackle changes as they come. The 9 skills he talks about are asking questions, solving problems, taking on projects, finding passions, being independent, being happy on their own, being compassionate, learning tolerance, and dealing with change.

I agree that that these skills are crucial, and no matter what subject is at hand for them, they will be able to adapt to their tasks and challenges. They will be able to learn new things by just asking and solving problems on their own and truly understanding the essence of a task without being so dependent on others.

Whilst reading this post, I also came across an interesting concept called “unschooling”, that I have never heard of before. The man that wrote this blog post is not putting his children in school but is teaching, what he believes is more important, and I am interested to see what he learns from taking this approach. As an educator furthering my education, I often time see so many negative things about schools and really don’t see change happening fast enough, keeping up with our times, or being relevant in preparing our children to their full potential. I do not have children but I really wonder how their “experiment” will turn out. For now, he has added another interested reader to his webpage: .

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