Sunday, June 1, 2014

Teach Now (Teacher Certification): PTA meeting Observation

Module 2 Unit 2 Activity 2

On this activity we had to observe a PTA meeting and write what their strengths and weaknesses were among other details.

Here is what I wrote:

Parent Teacher Meeting

For this assignment, I have observed two PTA meetings via Youtube as I couldn’t attend any meetings this week. One of the gatherings was held at an elementary school, and the other one was at a kindergarten. I have to start off stating that they were both very different.

The first video was held in April 30th 2014. It was very organized and in my opinion, what a successful PTA meeting should be like. It was not only organized, but also very positive, productive, and inspiring. The speaker started the meeting with an overview of the whole year and a few things that were on the calendar that parents should be aware of before the end of the year i.e. Field Day, benchmarks, fourth grade events and the fifth grade recognition ceremony.

She then addresses two really important points that were coming up. The first one is that they were going to put a paved walking path in their field that would benefit the students’ field days, teachers, it would also be wheelchair accessible, and promote wellness to everyone at the school. She was very thorough explaining that the budget was $15,000 and that they had $2000 saved from grants last year. So instead of making a fund raiser, she has already contacted the director of facilities and finance, and they offered to pay half right away. Then she sent out a few emails to different companies to sponsor this, she was surprised how easy it was for her to receive funds from different places. So unlike having to wait for months, it is already in action and it should be done by the end of the summer, before the children return to school.

Before discussing the second topic, she started by showing everyone a video. She addresses a book she read called, The Leader In Me by Steven R. Covey and then states that she wants to start integrating these principles into not only the teachers, but the students as well. Through collaborating with her teachers, one teacher mentioned that there was a Leader in Me school and they decided to drive out there to see how successful it was. When they arrived, they noticed that it was a school where a lot of lower income children went, the infrastructure was old, the technology was minimal, but what blew her away was that even with those circumstances, the children were really responsible for themselves and very disciplined. They really took charge and had a lot of common sense (I will add that by this point she has already sold this book to me)!

She stating that she has gotten a copy of this for all the teachers and that they won’t really change the curriculum, but that they will start weaving this practice into their classes whenever possible.

One last thing I need to praise her on is that she is going to involve her students in other ways. One example is when they hire teachers, they will include students’ opinions as children really have a sixth sense for knowing who loves children and can be a great teacher.

Lastly, she ended with opening up the floor for questions but there really weren’t any at all.

If there were any weaknesses, they were well masked. I perhaps thought that at one point she did push the book too much like giving a sales pitch (and I was sold) but I could tell she was just very passionate and genuine about the book.
Some of the things she did excelled at during this meeting were her positivity, her ability to demonstrate that things are getting done very quickly, passion for her school and her students, addressing all key points of the year and future plans, collaborating with teachers and students and also usage of technology during the meeting by showing a video.

The second video I watched was the opposite of this one. This PTA meeting took place in January of this year. The speaker was dealing with a kindergarten school and she basically went through the facts, funds, scheduling and tuition of the school. After she addressed these topics, she opened up the floor for questions.

There was an uncomfortable feeling during the whole meeting. She wasn’t very personable and the feeling I got from watching her was that either she was very tired, or that she knew she was dealing with a tough crowd. She was holding her computer up to her face and was addressing everyone by blocking half of her face with it at times. One of the parents also stated that she didn’t even receive information about the PTA until a few hours prior, so this led me to believe they are not very organized.

Some of her strengths were that she was eloquent, and gave a lot of solid facts, but many questions were unanswered as she repeatedly had to indicate to the parents that they still had to go through a series of meetings and that they would know these answers in a month. In my opinion that could be quite plausible but it also really felt unorganized and unprepared. They could have maybe had this PTA meeting after all those other meetings were held, and perhaps maybe they could answer more questions.

I do believe that recording PTA’s could really help some parents “attend” without being there. Negatively, it could also cause parents’ attendance level to a minimum because they have access to these recordings online and consequently, dealing with parents via email back and forth could be more time consuming. Overall these meetings are very important for the parents to be involved with their children’s education. Many things can improve, discussed, and solved during these meetings.

Here are the two links of the videos I’ve watched. I really recommend the first one.

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