Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Teach Now (Teacher Certification): 21st Century Skills

Module 3 Unit 2 Activity 3

            Christopher Shears
            Analia Kim
            Dan Genereaux
            Chad Boudreau

Question: How can technology help students improve 21st century skills efficiently?


If there is an area that technology has the greatest potential to help improve students 21st century skills then I believe it would be communication. There are a myriad of technologies available for students to use. Smartphones have changed the way we communicate dramatically, we as teachers can learn to accept this fact and use it to our advantage or we can fight it and lose the attention of our students. I for one, plan on using these technologies to my advantage to help improve the abilities of my students. In my own life, I use the internet, communication applications like KakaoTalk and social networking resources like Facebook to help me further my education. It would be hypocritical of me to not allow my students the same privileges that I use daily to advance my learning.

Being able to use modern communication devices will be a vital skill for students to learn and teachers can help their students acquire this skills by creating student-centered projects in their classrooms. Challenge student to use the skills they already have and apply those skills to achieve a goal. Show them that that these technologies can be used to advance their learning and connect them to people who can assist them in their daily lives. One way to allow students to participate in an authentic communication project is to get them to create a blog. Explain to them that their blog gives them an opportunity to communicate to the world. Allow them to explore the various types of blogs available. They can blog about their personal lives, create a blog to talk about an aspect of pop culture, write an advice column, or become a music or movie critic; the choices are endless. Setting up blogs do not require a lot of prior knowledge of technology, students from all kinds of backgrounds can be easily introduced to the technology and with very little effort can become proficient bloggers. Choosing uncomplicated technology is an effective and free way to increase the knowledge of technology of your students. (Blogger/ Wordpress)

Our world is connected now more than any other time in history. Students have an opportunity to be able to reach out to other cultures to learn and collaborate. Language barriers can be bridged with the use of a variety of technologies. Translation software gives us the ability to be able to communicate with a broad spectrum of people. Where we were once only able to experience other cultures by travelling, technologies like pictured above allow students to reach out to the world inexpensively and efficiently. Featured in the video I provided below are two classes, one in Italy and one in Poland sharing a recipe. They are also sharing their culture, practicing a foreign language as they are communicating in English and crossing cultural barriers. These are invaluable skills these children will need if they hope to be productive members of society in the future and be competitive in the job market.

One of the biggest reasons why prejudices and bigotry exist is a lack of communication between people, through wonderful activities like in the link, students are leaving those prejudices behind and broadening their horizons. We don’t always have to use the most complicated technologies to allow our students to communicate; the video conference is another perfect example where students can use the technology with very little knowledge of how it works. As a teacher you could choose simple communication devices that require very little explanation, demonstration and financial resources. Free video conferencing software like Skype, Adobe Connect and Facebook Video Chat, are easy ways that we can overcome digital divides.

Communication is an extremely important 21st century skill that my students will need to excel in any field they chose to enter in the future. It is difficult for us as teachers to predict what jobs students will choose when they graduate and it is more than likely they will be doing a job that hasn’t even been invented yet, but we can give them a solid foundation of skills that will prepare them for whatever the future might bring.


According to The Partnership for 21st Century Skills collaboration means:
  • To show the ability to work successfully and respectfully with different groups
  • To implement adaptability and to be open minded and helpful in making required compromises to achieve a mutual objective
  • To share duties for collaborative efforts and value the individual contributions made by each group member (2009).
Collaboration is essentially the practice of being respectful, adaptable, and putting in effort when working with other people to accomplish a common objective.  
It has been a big influence in the way I teach, gathering information from fellow experienced teachers, or others with great ideas. I also help new teachers and we share ideas so they can transition into the work environment a lot easier. I collaborate with my colleagues every week and a lot of different research suggests that it is one of the best ways for educators to get better at teaching their students especially when they are getting information from others who are experienced. Collaboration to me is a great way of working outside, and also inside any classroom.
In the digital age, collaboration has the capability to be implemented in a very successful way in the classroom.  Nowadays many students use technology in an intuitive way and us educators can concentrate and motivate them to learn 21st century skills. Teachers can prepare their students for the many challenges that they will face in the future. One such skill that they will need to learn is how to collaborate, or work together with others.
Educators can help students to prosper by applying student-centered project-based learning.  Teachers can let the students have a chance to be in control of their own learning and devote themselves more on their own educational goals by allowing them to work together on different projects, giving students assistance in both structure and content.
A major part of having student-centered, project-based learning is the role that technology has in the students’ education.  Students are very interested in technology and using the digital tools is a successful and effective way to not only increase their interest in school projects, but also to create great learning results.  If the students take control and ownership of what they are learning, teachers can assist the different students, within specific problem solving solutions and other individual endeavors.  
When collaborative learning is student-centered, and inquiry based, it becomes both an active and interactive process.  Digital tools and technology offer resources for the students to research and investigate their own questions.  The use of the technology when shared with others, makes the activity interactive with the digital tools, and among each other.
Collaboration is not always an easy process.  Often times it can be quite challenging. However, these difficulties can help the students to be equipped with skills to face situations outside the classroom environment and in the real world.  There are many group projects in the workplaces that often cause employees to have problems.  If these students get familiar with collaborating when they become adults, these circumstances may not be a huge challenge to overcome, and problems could be handled in an effective way.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is basically what you do when you do not know what to do and problem solving is one of those skills that all teachers want their students to develop. Everyone experiences problems from time to time. Some problems are complicated while many others are easily solved. For every task or work we perform, there are many challenges and issues that make it difficult to complete. Twenty-first century education involves teaching approaches that help students become capable to solve problems that arise in their education, job and life. One of these teaching approaches is learning by doing.
Many digital learners will look at new technology and start experimenting right away. This is because they have developed a mindset of learning by doing. They are not afraid of making mistakes because they learn more quickly that way. They use technology experientially, and have no issues getting help online to solve problems. Many students have access to technology and most of them know how connect and collaborate with others through social media and explore and exchange knowledge about any device or concept. Thus, having access to technology allows students to efficiently solve problems.
However, this access to technology can cause problems as well because some students are not being selective in the technologies they use. Many students do not think critically about the sources they select from online sites. Despite being technology literate many students still need to know how to determine a sources credibility, how to question the validity of blogs versus articles citing expert opinion, and how to find answers that are not already provided for them in some way. The need and ability of students to critically think about the technology they use on a daily basis is increasingly necessary. Many students just follow what they have learned from teachers, books, or digital sources, but few students question the source. I believe that teachers should encourage students to communicate (ask questions and clarify the answers) because this is one of the best way to improve their problem solving skills.

Students need to know how to work together to discuss and solve problems. When students try to solve problems in isolation they often hit roadblocks that keep them from using their creative and critical thinking skills efficiently. Students need to be able to communicate how they understand problems, as well as how they are going about solving them. Collaborative, communicative groups promote problem solving abilities because students learn to adopt different strategies after solving problems together.

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